Putilovo karjäär, Leningradi oblast
NimiPutilovo karjäär, Leningradi oblast
Koordinaadid59.854842, 31.396749
Koord. meetodGoogle Maps
Koord. määrajaAaloe, Aasa
Asukoha kirjeldusPutilovo Quarry is situated about 15 km westward from the Lava River Canyon. 1956a -vana murd. Putilovo asulast ~2,5 km läänes
Strat. algus
Strat. lõpp
LisainfoThe lowermost Lower Paleozoic deposits in the Putilovo Quarry crop out along the ravine cutting the escarpment of the Baltic Ladoga Glint in the northern side of the quarry about 2 km west of the village of Putilovo. The best section of the Hunneberg and Billingen deposits is exposed here about 25m downstream from the road crossing the ravine.
Kirje lisatud2001-03-13
Kirje muudetud2020-03-30
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