Tagasi otsingusse
Bonino & Kier, 2024

The Back to the Past Museum Guide to TRILOBITES II

Bonino, E., Kier, C.


Almost fifteen years have passed since the printing of the first volume in the Italian language published by the Back to the Past Museum. Encouraged by its success in Italy and abroad, we decided to publish the translated version in English the following year (The Back to the Past Museum Guide to TRILOBITES). This tome, enlarged with updated plates, became a best seller in the paleontological field, obtaining an important worldwide distribution and a particularly positive evaluation by the professional sector. This overwhelmingly positive response allowed our project to continuously expand the museum’s collections. Additionally, we began implementing research campaigns (always respecting international rules and laws), started an intense collaboration with professionals in the field, and consequently, have published in high-impact scientific journals. This new volume, compared to the previous one, has not only been enriched with new tables and iconographic sources but it has also been updated regarding the classification of trilobite orders in accordance with the latest interpretations and studies. Studies that will lead to new interpretations and, consequently, new reorganizations of families and genera within the class of trilobites. What we hope is that this text will attract the interest of the “warned” collector, the professional or simply the passionate. We would also like to dedicate this work of ours to each one of them, in the hope of reinforcing the thin bridge that exists between public and private, both interdependent for study, field research, the discovery of new species and the evolution of scientific thought.

Viimati muudetud: 5.2.2024
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