Tagasi otsingusse
Novis et al., 2022

Trace fossils from the Upper Member of the Duolbagáisá Formation (Cambrian Series 2–Miaolingian), northern Norway, with the first diverse Cambrian record of Halimedides

Novis, L. K., Jensen, S., Høyberget, M., Högström, A. E. S.
AjakiriNorwegian Journal of Geology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


New information is provided on trace fossils from the Cambrian Series 2 to Miaolingian in the Upper Member of the Duolbagįisį Formation of northern Norway. This includes the first rich Cambrian material of Halimedides, a trace fossil with more or less regularly spaced swellings of different shapes connected by a median string. It is known principally from Mesozoic and younger deep-sea deposits, with a scarce Paleozoic record, making this one of the oldest occurrences of this ichnogenus. Other trace fossils occurring with Halimedides include the rare Bergaueria sucta, Palaeophycus imbricatus and Cruziana tenella. Psammichnites gigas and Syringomorpha nilssoni are documented photographically for the first time from this unit. The trace fossil association shows general similarity with that of the slightly older Mickwitzia Sandstone Member of southern Sweden and suggests a broad distribution of late early Cambrian trace-fossil producers across Baltica.

Viimati muudetud: 21.6.2023
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