Tagasi otsingusse
Henkel et al., 2005

Åvike Bay — a 10 km Diameter Possible Impact Structure at the Bothnian Sea Coast of Central Sweden

Henkel, H., Puura, V., Flodén, T., Kirs, J., Konsa, M., Preeden, U., Lilljequist, R., Fernlund, J.
RaamatImpact Tectonics
Toimetaja(d)Koeberl, C., Henkel, H.
Kirjastuse kohtBerlin, Heidelberg
Tüüppeatükk raamatus
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Åvike Bay is a 270° degree wide near-circular, 114 m deep bay on the Swedish coast of the Bothnian Sea, northeast of Sundsvall. The structure has a diameter of about 10 km. It was classified as a probable impact structure because of its extraordinary circular topography in the overwiew of impact structures in Fennoscandia. Recent studies lend further support to this interpretation. The structure has a submarine central mound, which is elevated some 40 m above the adjacent sea floor. It has a very distinct tangential and radial on-shore fracture pattern as seen in the topographic map. Along the southwestern shore of the Bay, an enigmatic quartzite breccia of unknown age occurs as part of a larger outcrop of polymict breccia with clasts of crystalline rocks and quartzite of unknown age. In thin section, planar fractures can be observed in quartz and feldspar grains. A detailed investigation showed that in a few cases the quartz grains contained microdeformation features closely resembling PDFs.

Viimati muudetud: 15.11.2020
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