Tagasi otsingusse
Flower, 1984

Bodeiceras, a New Mohawkian Oxycone, with Revision of the Older Barrandeoceratida and Discussion of the Status of the Order

Flower, R. H.
AjakiriJournal of Paleontology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


T-Bodeiceras oxygonum gen. and sp. nov., is a Mohawkian oxyconic nautiloid, homeomorphic with the Upper Canadian Pilotoceras of the Tarphyceratida, but belongs to the Barrandeoceratida. The older families of that order are revised, involving the new family Digenuoceratidae, new genera Leuroplectoceras and Paraplectoceras and P. balashovi, n. sp. The oldest families, the Plectoceratidae and Barrandeoceratidae fail to merge, and ~prang from different parts of the Tarphyceratida. The order Barrandeoceratida ispolyphyletic, is therefore abandoned, and its families are placed with the Tarphyceratid

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