Tagasi otsingusse
Fisher, 1978

Trace fossils from the Lower Harding Formation (Middle Ordovician), Colorado

Fisher, W. A.
RaamatRocky Mountain Association of Geologists - 1978 Symposium
Tüüpartikkel kogumikus
Joonised13 tahvlit


A unique assemblage of trace fossils from the lower Harding Formation in Fremont County, Colorado IS briefly described and the occurrence and distribution of 23 forms in three facies of an alluvial channel-estuarine envrronment of deposition is illustrated. lchnogenera described andlor figured include Arenicolites, Asaphoidichnus, Buthotrephis, Chondrites, Corophioides, Monocraterion, Rhizocorallium, Rusophycus, Teichichnus, and Zoophycus

Viimati muudetud: 20.6.2023
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