Tagasi otsingusse
Chen, X. et al., 2017

Systematic Palaeontology

Chen, X., Goldman, D., Zhang, Y., Ma, X., Finney, S. C., Chen, Q.
RaamatDarriwilian to Katian (Ordovician) Graptolites from Northwest China
Toimetaja(d)Chen, X., Zhang, Y., Goldman, D., Bergström, S. M., Fan, J., Wang, Z., Finney, S. C., Chen, Q., Ma, X.
Tüüppeatükk raamatus


One hundred and twenty four species belonging to 45 genera have been described and illustrated with taxonomic, stratigraphic, and biogeographic remarks in this chapter. The genera discussed are Dendrograptus, Callograptus, Acanthograptus, Rhabdinopora, Acrograptus, Abrograptus, Mimograptus, Didymograptus, Xiphograptus, Janograptus, Thamnograptus, Pterograptus, Kinnegraptus, Wuninograptus, Glossograptus, Kalpinograptus, Apoglossograptus, Cryptograptus, Corynoides, Corynites, Dicranograptus, Dicellograptus, Jiangxigraptus, Ningxiagraptus, Pseudazygograptus, Nemagraptus, Syndyograptus, Amphigraptus, Amplexograptus, Orthograptus, Oepikograptus, Hustedograptus, Eoglyptograptus, Hallograptus, Reteograptus, Climacograptus, Pseudoclimacograptus, Haddingograptus, Proclimacograptus, Diplacanthograptus, Archiclimacograptus, Unicornigraptus, Pseudamplexograptus, Normalograptus, and Pronormalograptus. Among them, two genera, Unicornigraptus Chen and Goldman (gen. nov.), Pronormalograptus Chen (gen. nov.), and twenty-one species, including Acanthograptus lateralis Chen (sp. nov.), Acrograptus tenuiculus Chen (sp. nov.), Mimograptus tenuis Chen (sp. nov.), Xiphograptus aksuensis Chen (sp. nov.), Apoglossograptus uniformis Chen (sp. nov.), Corynites nanus Chen (sp. nov.), Jiangxigraptus? delicatus Chen (sp. nov.), J. ultilis Chen (sp. nov.), Orthograptus paracalcaratus Chen (sp. nov.), Oepikograptus originalis Chen (sp. nov.), Eoglyptograptus asymmetros Goldman and Zhang (sp. nov.), Hallograptus echinatus Chen (sp. nov.), Haddingograptus cuneatus Chen (sp. nov.), H. flexibilis Chen (sp. nov.), H. tarimensis Chen (sp. nov.), Archiclimacograptus columnus Chen (sp. nov.), Unicornigraptus minimus Chen (gen. and sp. nov.), U. scandinavicus Goldman (gen. and sp. nov.), U. xinjiangensis Chen and Goldman (gen. and sp. nov.), Pronormalograptus acicularis Chen (gen. and sp. nov.), P. regularis Chen (gen. and sp. nov.), and two subspecies, including Dicranograptus ramosus angustus Chen (subsp. nov.) and Proclimacograptus angustatus ultimus Chen (subsp. nov.), are new.

Viimati muudetud: 10.4.2023
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