Tagasi otsingusse
Puura, I. et al., 2004 (eds)

The Baltic: the Eighth Marine Geological Conference : September 23-28 2004, Tartu, Estonia : abstracts. Excursion guide

Puura, I., Tuuling, I., Hang, T. (eds)
KirjastusTartu Ülikool
Kirjastuse kohtTartu
Tüüpraamat (tervik)
Eesti autor


11-11Effects of wind regime shift on sediment transport in small bays of non-tidal seasElken, J., Soomere, T.
25-25Coastal processes in the inner part of the Pärnu BayKask, J., Kask, A.
44-44Geological structure of the Baltic seabedPuura, V., Flodén, T., Mokrik, R., All, T., Kirs, J., Konsa, M., Soesoo, A., Urtson, K.
50-50Influence of diagenetic changes on the composition and properties of the Vendian and Palaeozoic Rocks of EstoniaShogenova, A., Kleesment, A., Jõeleht, A., Shogenov, V.
51-51Development of East Estonian lakes in Pleistocene and early Holocene, based on subfossil ostracod dataSohar, K., Meidla, T.
54-54Subdivision of the Quaternary succession in the northern part of the Gulf of Riga, based on the high-resolution seismoacoustic dataTsyrulnikov, A., Tuuling, I., Flodén, T., Hang, T.
55-55The submarine Silurian Klint offshore Saaremaa, Northern Baltic SeaTuuling, I., Tilk, K., Flodén, T.
56-56The submarine Silurian succession offshore Saaremaa, seismostratigraphy and geologyTuuling, I., Flodén, T.
58-58Shore displacement of local ice-dammed lakes in EstoniaVassiljev, J., Saarse, L., Miidel, A.
71-74A glimpse of the history and geology of TallinnNõlvak, J.
79-79The Yoldia Sea stage in the Gulf of FinlandHeinsalu, A.
95-95Local ice-dammed lakes shore displacement in EstoniaVassiljev, J., Saarse, L., Miidel, A.
105-108Formation of the landscape in the surroundings of the lower reaches of the Pärnu RiverTalviste, P., Veski, S., Hang, T.
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