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Hütt et al., 1999

Optically stimulated luminescence characteristics of natural and doped quartz and alkali feldspars

Hütt, G., Jaek, I., Brodski, L., Vasilchenko, V.
AjakiriApplied Radiation and Isotopes
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Natural alkali feldspars and quartz were doped by Tl and Cu by thermodiffusion and electrodiffusion technology. As a result of doping, intensive UV emission bands were created. The OSL stimulation spectra of irradiated natural and doped quartz and alkali feldspars were measured in the span of 400–1300 nm using UV emission of Tl at 280 nm and of Cu at 380 nm. One-trap centre conception was confirmed for high-temperature palaeodosimetrical TL peaks and OSL stimulation spectrum bands: for alkali feldspars at 880 and 420 nm and visible region of the spectrum for quartz. A thermooptical mechanism of the optical depopulation of the corresponding trap is confirmed in alkali feldspars, but there is no evidence for processes of this kind in quartz. An analogy between the physical background of OSL properties of both minerals is discussed.

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