Tagasi otsingusse
Valter & Plotnikova, 2003

Biostratigraphic Indications of the Age of the Boltysh Impact Crater, Ukraine

Valter, A., Plotnikova, L.
RaamatImpact Markers in the Stratigraphic Record. Impact Studies, vol. 3.
Toimetaja(d)Koeberl, C., Martinez-Ruiz, F.
Kirjastuse kohtBerlin, Heidelberg
Tüüppeatükk raamatus


The Boltysh meteorite crater (diameter ≈ 23 km) on the Ukrainian shield was formed in Precambrian (~ 2.1 Ga) granites and has a classical complex structure with a central uplift (average diameter ~ 4 km). The annular trough around the uplift is filled with predominantly glassy impactites (impact melt rocks = tagamites) that are up to 230 m thick. The crater lake sediments overlie impactites and are represented by laminated siltstones, sandstones, claystones. These sediments have a maximum thickness of nearly 400 m in the center of the crater. Previous data about the geological age of the lowermost crater-fill sediments were contradictory (K1-P2), as weere the K-Ar whole rock ages of the tagamites ( 177-56 Ma).

Viimati muudetud: 26.5.2020
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