
3 tulemust
Sporomorph assemblages from the ‘Lower Old Red Sandstone’ of Lorne, Scotland
Wellman, C. H., Richardson, J. B.
Special Papers in Palaeontology
Studies on Early Land Plant Spores From Britain
Aasta: 1996 | Köide: 55 | Leheküljed: 41-101 | artikkel kogumikus
Terrestrial plant microfossils from Silurian inliers of the Midland Valley of Scotland
Wellman, C. H., Richardson, J. B.
Aasta: 1993 | Köide: 36 | Leheküljed: 155–193 | artikkel ajakirjas
Earthworm trails – what are underground miners doing on the surface?
Bromley, R. G., Wetzel, A., Uchman, A.
One Ichnology, Symposium in honour of Richard G. Bromley and Ulla Asgaard 14.–16. May, Eigilsholm, Bornholm, Denmark, Abstract and Programme
Aasta: 2014 | Leheküljed: 15-16 | abstrakt
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