Ezere 9 borehole
General info
Name Ezere 9 borehole
Number 9
Type borehole (section)
Country Latvia
Elevation 79.00
Remarks puuritud 1969
Date added 2001-06-21
Date changed 2018-06-20
Rubel & Sarv, L., 1996a
Reconstruction and use of the succession of East Baltic Silurian ostracodes
Brangulis, 1985
The Vendian and Cambrian of Latvia
26, 601553-1674m, Cm
Kaljo & Rubel, 1982
Relations of brachiopod communities to facial zones (Silurian, East Baltic)
Aren et al., 1979a
The Baltic syneclise
471553-1674 Kambrium
Brangulis et al., 1978b
Features of clay minerals distribution in the Upper Proterozoic-Cambrian terrigenous sediments Latvia
Sarv, L., 1977b
On the Upper Silurian ostracode stratigraphy in the Middle and South-East Baltic area
Karpitskis, 1966
Main features of the geological development of western Latvia in the Early Paleozoic