Petseri 330 borehole
General info
Name Petseri 330 borehole
Number 330
Type borehole (section)
Country Estonia
Parish Värska
Settlement Koidula
Elevation 42.70
Latitude 57.83356
Longitude 27.597192
X 6415926
Y 713604
Coord. agent Eesti Geoloogiakeskus (EGK)
Strat. top
Strat. base
Remarks Puuritud 1963 Võru kaardistamisrühma poolt (Kajak, Väärsi jt aruannne 1964). Südamik ei ole säilinud. EGF 2301
Estonian Land Board ID 4361
Date changed 2022-11-21
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Lower and Middle Ordovician conodonts from subsurface of SE Estonia and adjacent Russia
3-4407.9-444.5m, konodondid
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Eesti Vendi ja Kambriumi tugiläbilõiked
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Maagiilmingute ja mineralisatsioonipunktide hindamine Eesti aluspõhjas ja aluskorras
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The Middle Cambrian of Estonia
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Structural state of potash feldspars from the Estonian crystalline basement
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Structure and stratigraphy of the upper part of the Cambrian sequence in the eastern part of the East Baltic area
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The Crystalline Basement of Estonian Territory
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Lithostratigraphy and facies of the Lontova stage in Estonia
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13843.6-137.3m, Burtnieki lade
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Contact between the Ordovician and Devonian in South-East Estonia
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Garnet surface features in Baltic Devonian deposits
18-25granaadi pind
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Raspredelenie akcessornyh mineralov v nižne-srednedevonskih otloženiâh Pribaltiki
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Paleogeografiâ i paleotektonika rannego i srednego devona Srednej Pribaltiki
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The crust of weathering of laminarites-clay in the north-west of the Russian platform. II. Change of mineralogical and chemical compositions and conditions of formation
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The distribution of clay minerals of Vendian and Cambrian deposits in East Estonia
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Physical properties of the rocks of the Estonian crystalline basement
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Osnovnye cherty geologicheskogo stroeniya
446.6-457.3m, Petseri kihistu
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Kristalliinse vundamendi uuringutulemused