Varbla 502 drillcore
General info
Name Varbla 502 drillcore
Boxes 25
Box numbers 87-112
Repository EGT Keila
Institution Geological Survey of Estonia (EGK)
Date added 2003-07-07
Date changed 2004-07-29
Country Estonia
Coordinates 58.371204, 23.831603
Elevation 4.00
Depth 721.7
Liivamägi, 2015
Neoproterozoic Baltic paleosol: geology and paleoenvironmental interpretation (Juh. Kirsimäe, K., Somelar, P.)
Kallaste & Kiipli, T., 2006
New correlations of Telychian (Silurian) bentonites in Estonia
Märss, 2006a
Thelodonts (Agnatha) from the basal beds of the Kuressaare Stage, Ludlow, Upper Silurian of Estonia
Hints, L. et al., 2005a
The Pirgu Regional Stage (Upper Ordovician) in the East Baltic: lithostratigraphy, biozonation and correlation
Kivisilla et al., 1999
Catalogue of chemical analyses of major elements in the rocks of the crystalline basement of Estonia
Teedumäe et al., 1999
Dolomites of the Muhu Formation (Silurian) in mainland Estonia: aspects of dolomitization, properties, and prospects of utilization
Raukas & Teedumäe, 1997 (eds)
Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia
44,93,103,1046-256.2m Kambrium; Silur
Kiipli, T., 1994, välipäevik 31
Välipäevik nr 31: dolomiidi ja metabentoniidi proovid Eesti, Läti, Leedu, Rootsi, Taani puursüdamikest
Nestor, V., 1994a
Early Silurian chitinozoans of Estonia and North Latvia
Petersell & Levchenkov, 1994
On the geological structure of the crystalline basement of the southern slope of the Baltic Shield
Pb ja U isotoobid tsirkoonis
Hölttä & Klein, 1991
PT-development of granulite facies rocks in southern Estonia
Johnson et al., 1991b
Eustatic sea-level patterns from the Lower Silurian (Llandovery Series) of southern Norway and Estonia
Petersell et al., 1991
Maagiilmingute ja mineralisatsioonipunktide hindamine Eesti aluspõhjas ja aluskorras
Kattai et al., 1990a
The distribution of natural bitumens on the territory of Estonia
Nestor, V., 1987b
Lower Silurian chitinozoans of the East Baltic
110-111Juuru-Jaani lademe kitinozoad
Märss, 1986b
Silurian Vertebrates of Estonia and West Latvia. Fossilia Baltica 1
Nestor, V., 1984a
Distribution of Chitinozoans in the Late Llandoverian Rumba Formation (Pentamerus Oblongus Beds) of Estonia
150Raikküla-Adavere lade
Nestor, V., 1984b
Zonal distribution of chitinozoans in the Wenlockian Jaani Stage of Estonia and the problem of its upper boundary
Puura, V. et al., 1983b
The Crystalline Basement of Estonian Territory
Kaljo & Rubel, 1982
Relations of brachiopod communities to facial zones (Silurian, East Baltic)
Nestor, V., 1982b
New chitinozoans of the genera Ancyro-, Gotlando- and Sphaerochitina from the Wenlockian of Estonia
Kala et al., 1981a
Lithostratigraphy and facies of the Lontova stage in Estonia
140Andmeid Lontova kihistiku kohta
Mens & Paškevičiene, 1981
Environmental control in the distribution of acritarchs in the Lontova Stage of Estonia
150Akritarhide levik
Nestor, V., 1980a
New chitinozoan species from the Lower Llandoverian of Estonia
Nestor, V., 1980b
Middle Llandoverian Chitinozoans from Estonia