Kolka 54 puurauk
Nimi Kolka 54 puurauk
Number 54
Tüüp puurauk
Riik Läti
Kõrgus 3.00
Lat 57.758593
Long 22.604266
Koordinaatide täpsus 1-10 km
Koord. meetod Google Maps
Koord. määraja Antonovitš, Liina
Asukoha kirjeldus Kura poolsaare põhjatipp Kolka asula lähedal
Strat. algus
Lisainfo Läti GV puuritud 1967, südamik Skrunda hoidlas
Kirje muudetud 2018-06-14
Trotter et al., 2016
New conodont δ18O records of Silurian climate change: Implications for environmental and biological events
37, 40448-164m, SHRIMP oxygen isotope data, conodonts, Wenlock-Pridoli
Kaljo et al., 2015
A bio-chemostratigraphical test of the synchroneity of biozones in the upper Silurian of Estonia and Latvia with some implications for practical stratigraphy
Late Silurian biostratigraphy (158-286 m)
Nestor, V., 2012
A summary and revision of the East Baltic Silurian chitinozoan biozonation
Loydell et al., 2010
Integrated biostratigraphy of the lower Silurian of the Kolka-54 core, Latvia
Llandovery-Wenlock integrated biostratigraphy (graptolites, conodonts, chitinozoans)
Pirrus, E., 2010 (koost)
Eesti Vendi ja Kambriumi tugiläbilõiked
Märss & Karatajūtė-Talimaa, 2009
Late Silurian - Early Devonian tessellated heterostracan Oniscolepis Pander, 1856 from the East Baltic and North Timan
Nestor, V., 2007
Chitinozoans in the Wenlock-Ludlow boundary beds of the East Baltic
Nestor, V., 2007
Chitinozoans in the Wenlock-Ludlow boundary beds of the East Baltic
Märss, 2006b
Exoskeletal ultrasculpture of early vertebrates
Kiipli, E., 2004
Redox changes in the deep shelf of the East Baltic Basin in the Aeronian and early Telychian (early Silurian)
Viira, 2000
Latest Silurian (Ohesaare Stage) conodonts and the detorta Zone in the northern East Baltic
Kleesment, 1998a
Authigenic overgrowths of detrital feldspar grains in the Devonian sequence of the East Baltic
Viira & Aldridge, 1998
Upper Wenlock to Lower Pridoli (Silurian) conodont biostratigrphy of Saaremaa, Estonia, and a correlation with Britain
Raukas & Teedumäe, 1997 (eds)
Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia
Rubel & Sarv, L., 1996a
Reconstruction and use of the succession of East Baltic Silurian ostracodes
Nestor, V., 1994a
Early Silurian chitinozoans of Estonia and North Latvia
Jürgenson & Kleesment, 1992
A comparsion of two mineralogical methods applied to the determination of the terrigenous component
108-114Siluri/Devoni piirikihid
Mens et al., 1992
Caledonian structural complex along the Tahkuna-Goldap line
Märss, 1991a
Agnathans and fishes in shallow facies of the North-East Baltic Wenlock and Ludlow
Pirrus, 1991a
The Middle Cambrian of Estonia
142-143 750-789.6m Kesk-Kambrium
Kaljo et al., 1988b
East Baltic Region
86-87F1b-G3 läbilõige
Nestor, V., 1987, välipäevik 3
Välipäevik nr 3: proove Läti ja Ukraina (Lokatshi) puuraukudest
19-45, 145-146158.3-679 m ja 174.6-549.6, proovid
Nestor, V., 1987b
Lower Silurian chitinozoans of the East Baltic
95Juuru ja Raikküla lade
Märss, 1986b
Silurian Vertebrates of Estonia and West Latvia. Fossilia Baltica 1
Rätsep, 1986
Facial distribution of glauconite and its morphological varieties in Early Cambrian basin of Vergale-Rausve age of Northern Baltic area
93pr 54-5 glaukoniit