Eikla 508 puurauk
Nimi Eikla 508 puurauk
Number 508
Tüüp puurauk
Riik Eesti
Vald Kaarma
Asutusüksus Kaubi küla
Kõrgus 21.00
Lat 58.451846
Long 22.558261
X 6479965
Y 415834
Koord. määraja Eesti Geoloogiakeskus (EGK)
Asukoha kirjeldus Eiklast 3,8 km Luulupe poole, mnt ääres
Strat. algus
Strat. lõpp
Lisainfo E. Kala 1:200000 kaardistamine, aruanne 1973; EGF 3260
Maa-amet ID 1831
Kirje muudetud 2022-11-21
Pirrus, E., 2010 (koost)
Eesti Vendi ja Kambriumi tugiläbilõiked
Hints, L. et al., 2005a
The Pirgu Regional Stage (Upper Ordovician) in the East Baltic: lithostratigraphy, biozonation and correlation
Raukas & Teedumäe, 1997 (eds)
Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia
Heinsalu, H. & Raudsep, 1996
Some aspects of the Tremadoc in Estonia
Kallavere kihistu paksus
Märss, 1996
Loganellia (Thelodonti, Agnatha) from the Jaagarahu Stage, Wenlock, Estonia
Nõlvak & Grahn, 1993
Ordovician chitinozoan zones from Baltoscandia
Mens et al., 1992
Caledonian structural complex along the Tahkuna-Goldap line
Johnson et al., 1991b
Eustatic sea-level patterns from the Lower Silurian (Llandovery Series) of southern Norway and Estonia
Pirrus, 1991a
The Middle Cambrian of Estonia
Kaljo et al., 1988b
East Baltic Region
86-87F1b-G3 läbilõige
Märss, 1986b
Silurian Vertebrates of Estonia and West Latvia. Fossilia Baltica 1
Kala et al., 1984a
On the stratigraphy of the Cambrian in West Estonia
28Lääne-Eesti saarte Cm läbilõige
Nõlvak, 1984
Distribution of acid-resistant microfossils in the northern East Baltic Ashgillian
42-46264.2-275.4 m
Nazarov & Nõlvak, 1983
Radiolarians from the Upper Ordovician of Estonia
Puura, V. et al., 1983b
The Crystalline Basement of Estonian Territory
Kaljo & Rubel, 1982
Relations of brachiopod communities to facial zones (Silurian, East Baltic)
Einasto, 1981a
On the relationship of the Jaagarahu, Pangamägi and Maasi stratotype sections (Middle Wenlockian of Estonia)
112-11347.3-81.2m, J1/J2 piirikihid
Nõlvak, 1980a
Chitinozoans in biostratigraphy of the northern East Baltic Ashgillian. A preliminary report
Nõlvak, 1980b
Microplancton from the Ashgillian of northern Baltic
39-46215.8-290.3 Ashgill
Oraspõld & Kala, 1980
Lithology of the Vormsi Stage in Estonia
62273.7-275.4m Vormsi lade
Aren et al., 1979a
The Baltic syneclise
46348-474 m Kambrium
Mens, 1979
Mineralogical and palaeontological characteristics of the Soela Formation
Jankauskas, 1974b
Paleontological study of the age of the Izhora Formation (Cambrian) on the Russian platform
Jürgenson, 1973, välipäevik 48
Välipäevik nr 48: Väljavõtted GV aruannetest
22-470-218.5m Silur (Rootsik-Juuru lade)
Kala & Kajak, 1973
Aruanne Komplekssest geoloogilis-hüdrogeoloogilisest kaardistamisest mõõtkavas 1:200 000 Saaremaal (leht O-34-XVI, XVII)